• The Chapel in Marlboro (map)
  • 8700 Edison Street Northeast
  • Louisville, OH, 44641
  • United States

We will be hosting a Spring Retreat at the Chapel In Marlboro April 29th and 30th. The theme will be on identity. This will be an overnight event starting Friday at 6pm in the Source and going until 9pm Saturday. There will be worship, speakers, small groups, games, prizes, and a special outing for each age group. Middle School will be going to Intense Paintball in Canton. High School will be going to Top Golf in Independence.

SIGN UP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnTTgtyeLdTqJ8Z9C1sGCAnrayBIB9FBJ0yg5zewdYn4GbtA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

What to bring:

-sleeping bag/blankets (something to sleep on and cover up with)

-2 changes of clothes


-Waiver for participation in paintball outing (middle school) https://www.intensepaintball.net/

-Special clothes for paintball (here are the field staff recommendations)

—— t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodie/sweatshirt/jacket that can get dirty (layering like this allows for a layer to be removed if it’s too hot, but skin to still be covered). Optional are a hat to cover the top of the head and light gloves (mechanic or gardening style) may be good to wear for hands.

COST: (Can be paid in advance to Josiah or Daniel or given at the door)

Middle School - $40 per student, which includes all food and the outing.

High School - $50 per student, which includes food and the outing.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Josiah Kaiser or Daniel Fahl with questions.


danfahl87@gmail.com or 330-931-6399 (cell)