Please join us for songs, reflection, and communion (see note below)
Dear Chapel Family and Friends:
Today is Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
The Chapel in Marlboro will celebrate its 44th birthday in October.
In its 44 year history, nothing like the COVID-19 virus pandemic has been faced. Consequently, we are all facing an unknown Goliath. But just as young David of old, we shall vanquish this Goliath by remaining faithful to our Lord.
I want you to know that God loves you – and so do I. We are cancelling our indoor public worship service on Sunday because we care about your physical welfare. We are not afraid, but we are concerned – there is a difference. We do not need to be afraid, for God is still on His throne and this pandemic did not take Him by surprise.
On Friday, April 10 the church will have a Good Friday on-line by visiting or and via drive-in service at 7:00 pm. You are asked to provide your own unleavened bread and grape juice for either service as Communion will be observed. Please remember: you are to provide your own bread and juice.
Be sure to check the church’s website weekly. Check the church’s Facebook page daily. Feel free to call in to the church at 330-935-0132 for information. Please also remember that the church needs your tithes and offerings during this time. You may mail in your gift (The Chapel in Marlboro, PO Box 169, Louisville, OH 44641), you may click in your gift at and you may always walk in your gift during office hours (8-3 Monday through Thursday, 8-12 Friday).
I hope you will join us either on-line or at the drive-in service for Good Friday on April 10, 7:00 pm.
Thank you and may God bless you.